checklist-1622517_960_720In preparation for a new year, I spent a recent December on a retreat at home to get perspective from the Lord for the coming year.

Through the process, I heard the Lord speak one word  –  INTENTIONAL

I then crafted a number of questions that serves as a check list, to help me understand how I might move forward more INTENTIONALLY into the new year.

  1. What on earth am I here for?
  2. How can I take my calling to the next level?
  1. What are the good things that could prevent me from doing the best things?
  2. What steps do I need to take to continue living a life of continual growth?
  1. Am I maintaining the self-leadership disciplines that will keep me on the cutting edge of life?
  2. What ‘emotional intelligence’ weaknesses do I need to attend to?
  3. What things have I been doing that have now passed their “use by” date?
  1. Am I still willing to take faith (risk) steps to embrace new and radical challenges (open doors) that the Lord has for me, or am I content to live in a safe place?
  2. Am I still living my life for the things that are eternal and not the things that are temporal?
  3. Am I still willing to trust the Lord for all my needs?
  1. Am I being a good steward of the spiritual gifts God has given me?

One of our great needs is to stay focused and intentional, in order that the good things don’t get in the way of the best things.