My attitude to life was radically changed when I developed the conviction that in all of life I always had an audience of One. It meant that I was never alone, or that my standard of excellence could be compromised on unimportant occasions, or I could ignore the law of the land as long as I wasn’t in danger of being detected, or that integrity wasn’t a priority if the cashier had miscalculated my refund.
Further, it didn’t matter if I didn’t receive the feedback I was expecting for a job well done. For I am running a race “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) and there is coming a day when I will receive my heavenly reward from my audience of One. (Matthew 5:12, Luke 6:23)
P.S. I have received some interesting reactions when I have pointed out to cashiers that they had overpaid me. When asked why I pointed out their error, I would reply, “Because I always have an audience of One.”
Why was it that God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus? She was from the uninspiring town of Nazareth, she was young and she was unmarried. There seemed to be no logical reason why Mary was chosen until we read the words of her wonderful responsive song of praise;
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour, for He has been MINDFUL OF THE HUMBLE STATE OF HIS SERVANT.” (Luke 1:46-48)
And so it was that one of the most important lessons I was ever to learn came home to me, HUMILITY ATTRACTS THE PRESENCE OF GOD. In Isaiah 57:15 God says,
“I live in a high and holy place but also with those who are contrite and lowly (HUMBLE) in spirit.”
In Mary’s song of praise we see that humility is so important to God because:
1. His glory is safe in the hands of a humble person.
2. the humble person is totally obedient to God.
3. the humble person is totally dependent on God.
4. the humble person hungers for God.
No wonder the unknown Mary attracted the presence of God. And you will too as you learn the lesson that the key to attracting the presence of God is humility.
For many years of my life the person who prevented me from realising my God given potential was me. I had never believed that my life would amount to much. But things changed when I met two people who believed in me; my Lord Jesus Christ and my wife Sue.
Gradually I started to see myself as God saw me and I began to take faith steps that opened doors I could not have previously imagined. An amazing life of adventure unfolded for me and Sue.
There came a time when I felt a prompt to meet the pastor of the largest church in the world. Pastor David Yonggi Cho started a small church in a tent in post war South Korea with 5 people and it grew to 800,000. After writing to Pastor Cho, he responded by inviting me to spend a week at his church.
As a result of that week, I still remember one sentence he shared with me. “Show me your vision and I will prophesy your future.” I decided to ask God for a God sized vision and my life with Sue has exceeded my wildest dreams. And I’m not finished yet! I am believing that the best is yet to come. So what about you?
If you show me your vision there is a fair chance I can prophesy your future. And don’t forget to ask God for a God sized vision.
Leaders are people who have insight to see things that followers don’t always see. One of them is the insight to see some critically important but largely invisible things such as atmosphere, morale and momentum.
I enjoy watching sporting events, following the ebb and flow of momentum that gives a team a scoring advantage. One of John Maxwell’s laws of leadership is “Momentum is the leader’s best friend.” A classic example of a lack of momentum in the life of Jesus can be found in Matthew 13:58;
“And He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.” Compare this situation with that in Luke 5:17-20 where in contrast it is noted that “the power of the Lord was present for Him to heal the sick.”
A few keys I have found in my ministry in regard to momentum are:
* Momentum is fueled by faith
* Momentum flows when people are motivated
* Momentum is an important pre-cursor when change is being made. It is easier to change direction when driving a car that is on the move
* Momentum inspires people to perform at a higher level
* It takes a leader filled with the Holy Spirit to discern the momentum of the Spirit
So how would you describe the level of momentum in your organization right now?
One of the dangers of leadership is that of becoming overloaded by taking on the good ideas of other people. It usually occured when someone would come to me and say, “I have a good idea. Why don’t we do……………. I will leave it with you, Rod.”
I was overloaded because I was accepting responsibility for other people’s good ideas. Gradually I realised there was a better way to test the sincerity of the person with the good idea. I learnt to reply, “Let’s talk about this. And by the way, I want you to know, ‘He/she who gets vision, gets job.’”
And things began to change.
1. The good ideas were being replaced by well thought out visions that the presenter was willing to pay the price to see it would become a reality.
2. I was able to fulfil my role as coach to equip the members of my church to do the work of ministry and live out the visions that God had laid on their hearts.
3. In the process, the church was growing in maturity.
So, be careful you don’t overload yourself with other people’s good ideas. Remember, HE/SHE WHO GETS VISION GETS JOB.
Amongst King David’s mighty men were the men of Issachar “who understood the TIMES and knew what to do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32. By contrast Jesus was led to say of the religious leaders of His day, “You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present TIME?” Luke 12:56. They missed His coming.
The Greeks had two words for time. CHRONOS refers to measured time or quantitative time and it is mentioned 53 times in the New Testament. KAIROS refers to opportune time, critical time or a defining moment and is mentioned 86 times in the New Testament.
Jesus lived much of His life on kairos time. “When the time (kairos) had fully come, God sent His Son…..” Galations 4:4. “At just the right time (Kairos)……Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:8
Kairos is not the convenience of the moment but the opportunity that is birthed in the moment that makes it a defining moment. It requires a person with perspective to see what others fail to see.
Could it be in this crisis season that we are faced with moments of unprecedented opportunity? The leaders of Jesus’ day couldn’t tell the time and paid a great price for it. Pray that you might have the insight of the men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what to do. LEADERS NEED TO BE ABLE TO TELL THE TIME. See article: http://roddentoneng.com.au/can-you-tell-the-time/
The greatest investment principle I have learned to apply to my life comes from the words of Jesus:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21
I find great comfort in living for the things that are eternal because :-
* I am going to be there for a long time.
* I was created to find deep fulfilment in living for the things that are eternal.
* Living for the things of this world results in living according to the law of diminishing returns.
“As I study the scriptures I see that there are only two things God wants to rescue from this deteriorating planet; His word and people. The only way to live our lives is to invest them in things that will outlive us. Are you investing your life in the treasures God is going to save?” Howard Hendricks
It was in the year that Sue turned 60 and I turned 70 that we decided to have a joint party and invite our friends to our “130th” birthday celebration. It was an unforgettable occasion. We were warmly honoured by the various speakers and at the end I was moved to say something I had never said before. I reflected, “This has been the funeral before the funeral.” Why do we wait for a person’s funeral to express words of honour that the deceased person will never get to hear, when it is too late?
The Bible instructs us to “take delight in honouring one another.” Romans 12:10 The word means to value and appreciate and respect one another, now.
People with emotional intelligence take time to honour others for the contribution they are making and the value they are adding to the world in which they live. So how about it. Become a funeral director and spend the rest of your life conducting funerals before the funeral. And leave a trail of people behind you who have been honoured in the process.
It was ten years ago that my doctor shared with me that my recent blood test had revealed that I had developed a blood cancer called Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL). As I drove home I was reminded that the Baby Boomer’s theme song that was adapted by my generation, “Fame, I’m Gonna Live Forever” was a fallacy.
As I regained perspective on my life and thought about an uncertain future, the Latin words of the Roman poet Horace “Carpe Diem” (seize the day) stirred within me. Interestingly, so did the words of Jesus from His sermon on the mount; “Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life…. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?…. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:25-34 What followed was a renewed passion to live a day at a time as a good steward of the gift of life that God had entrusted to me. So every morning I thank Him for the gift of a new day and choose to seize the day knowing that He is at work and calls me to partner with Him in the things He is doing. I invite you to do the same.
There are many events in our lives where we can have another go – the failed driving test, that school exam, the athletics or music competition, or the disappointing recipe. Second chances are great opportunities, not to be taken for granted.
However, the life changing event of becoming a parent comes without a rewind button. There is no “dress rehearsal” and every day has its own once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in the lives of the children God entrusts to us. A I reflect, those sleepless nights, the chaos, the heartaches and the inexplicable joys were the greatest investment of my time and energy in a season of my life that passed too quickly. Only with the passing years I am now able to see the fruit of that investment, now impacting a whole new generation and beyond, in a way I could never have dreamed.
Can I encourage parents in this season, don’t wish it away or completely delegate it away to other influences. You only get one shot at it, don’t miss it!
“Then Jesus took the children in His arms and placed His hands on their heads and BLESSED them.”
Mark 10:16
(Written by my wife Sue Denton)