Category: Mission

GROW ON……..don’t just go on.(1)

Picture1 Grow onI will never forget the day my high school physics teacher, Mister Elliot, made me stand in front of the classroom and looking up at me said, “Denton, when are you going to grow up?” I replied, “Mister Elliot, I am already nearly two meters tall (six foot six inches), how much taller do I need to grow?”
It wasn’t the answer he was looking for as he wanted to make an example of me for misbehaving in his class.

However, it does remind me of a lesson that has been of primary importance to me; leaders need to continually grow on and never just go on. This lesson has …


Rod Denton Induction at Elizabeth Church of Christ_2012 - Copy (2)

(81)   “CREATE A MEMORY……wherever you go!”

Jesus is the most unforgettable person the world has ever seen. Not a day passes without large numbers of people being transformed by the power of His love and life and words. So much has Jesus impacted my life that there was a time when I determined that wherever I went I would have a goal of creating a memory in the lives of people I met. And now in my senior years I am more focused than ever before on this goal. Each day is a gift from God to be able to create memories in the lives of people I meet.
I …

There are no COINCIDENCES in the Kingdom of God….. only GOD INCIDENTS


“ ‘The children are dressed and ready for school, but there is no food for them to eat,’ the housemother of the orphanage informed George Meuller. George asked her to take the 300 children into the dining room and have them sit at the tables. He thanked God for the food and waited. George knew God would provide food for the children as He always did.
Within minutes a baker knocked at the door. ‘Mr. Mueller,’ he said, ‘last night I could not sleep. Somehow, I knew that you would need bread this morning. I got up and baked three batches for you. I will bring it in.’
Soon there

FINISH THE RACE……..marked out for YOU

Finish the race marked out for youIn my younger years, I grew up living a very ordinary life, being dominated by certain fears that caused me to stay in the safe zone and underestimating how much God wanted to do in and through my life. I didn’t believe in myself because I never felt that anyone had ever believed in me. I expected my future to be an extension of my past.

But the year 1979 was a defining year. I married Sue, the love of my life, and the first person who understood the potential that lay within me and believed in me. In addition to that, I had a growing awareness of the fact …