Rod Denton Induction at Elizabeth Church of Christ_2012

Rod Denton has served as a pastor and as a teacher in the development of leaders in Australia and throughout Asia, and now through his international ministry of writing, mentoring and conducting seminars for, Rod Denton: Equipping The Next Generation.

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How God has worked through others.


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Christian Living, Discipleship, Leadership, Mentoring, Mission

SUPERFICIALITY…..the curse of our age

We live in unprecedented times where we face an ever-increasing number of challenges that no human leader or political party can resolve. We live in times where our leaders’ “too hard baskets” are forever filling up and their promises are not being matched by their performances. But we are also living in times of great opportunity for the people of God who like David’s men of Issachar were able to understand the times and know…
Christian Living, Discipleship, Evangelism, Leadership, Mentoring, Mission


(96) “THE POWER OF REPETITION” The Argentinian pastor Juan Carlos Ortiz stood up to preach one Sunday and read three words of Jesus, “Love one another.” Then he sat down. After a few minutes Ortiz got up and again said, “Love one another” and sat down. The congregation began to stir nervously. So, Ortiz got up a third time and said, “Love one another” and sat down. A man in the front row leaned over…
Christian Living, Discipleship, Leadership, Mentoring, Mission

WORDS THAT HAVE SHAPED MY LIFE (105) “EVERY CHRISTIAN IS A MINISTER….. an important truth that needs to be rediscovered.”

When I first started attending church, it wasn’t unusual to see a sign out the front of a church with the name of the church, and “the minister” and details of how to connect with the church. I gradually assumed from this that the “minister” was responsible for much of the running of the church with the assistance of a team of helpers and a number of spectators who regularly attended the church services. I…